14 June, 2009

Just Wanted To Post...

So, I just noticed that that last post says the 19th of May, which is not when I posted it, but it is when I began the post... Weird. Hmmm, well, you learn somethin' new every day! =)

Yeah, I really don't know what to say, but I want to post something today cuz I know I'll be pretty occupied over the next few weeks, & may not get to it again for a while... Besides, we all know I can always find something to say, eh? =)=)=)
My life has really sped up! So much to accomplish in such a short time! I always wanted just a simple life... Ahhh well... 'Tis not to be. ='(
Just kidding, I don't shed tears over it anymore... For I have found great fulfillment in doing the tasks I feel God leading me towards.
Honestly, the road travelled to reach this point has been rough (to say the least), but it's so clear & fun now!!!
I WRITE INSPIRING SONGS!!! (Ten finished now, & I haven't counted how many I have in various unfinished forms!)
Can you believe it?!!
I'VE FINALLY STARTED A BOOK!!! (Took me long enough, don't you think?!) And I know I'll follow through with this one! =)=)=)
I'm doing what I know I need to be... No more allowing fear of my own inadequacies to hold me back. I have no idea what it'll all look like, how it will play out, but that's okay. =) I finally feel up to the task, capable. And it's fabulous AND, did I mention, FUN!

Is there something you've felt led to do, but haven't, for the same reasons as I? Whatever it takes to push through to the side of accomplishing some good goal or dream that God has placed in your heart, no matter how impossible or grandiose it may seem...
It is worth it! He will provide a way!!! Guaranteed!
Sometimes we are our only obstacles.

K, so... My new, precious li'l one is doing fabulously... I talk to her parents as often as possible, which isn't nearly enough to suit, but life is a bit too full for talking as much as we'd desire! =) So, she's gaining well, sleeping good 4-5 hour chunks at night, & has had minimal gassy days. =)=)=)
(And her daddy thanked me recently for making such a cute baby so, in addition to all that, she must still be as adorable as ever! =)

Elizabeth is doing well... I love her wise, old-fashioned soul! She posited a request the other day that seven-year-olds generally don't desire: "Mommy, I've been thinking... Can we take one month out of the year & go without driving & watching t.v. & only eat our produce from the garden?" Some kid, eh? =) I said, "Sweetheart, where'd you get that idea from?" and she replied, "I don't know, Mommy, I was just thinking it'd be a good idea." And I agree, "I don't know when we'll be able to, but we will do that very thing, sweetie, cuz you're right, it's a very good idea... We should know how to get along without those things, shouldn't we? Just in case..." Love her! =)=)=)

Karlianne is as sweet as can be, to me, though she's using her physical tendencies lately to be a bit of a bully... We're gonna work on that! =) She gets so excited about swimming & playing with her friends... Just listening to her tumble her words out in her enjoyment would bring a smile to anyone's face, but I'm the privileged one that receives that joy. =) I wonder how kindergarten next year will feel to her... A restriction? Or just a different form of play-time? We'll see, for that time is right around the corner! Can't believe how time flies!!! I'm so glad to have & love my li'l soon-to-be-kindergartener! =)=)=)

Zeke is growing up faster than I'd like (never thought I'd say that), & is such a big boy now!!! Whenever anyone sees him that's the second thing they say to me, "He is such a big boy! Gonna be a big guy, like his daddy!" or some such thing. =) The first thing is always, "Oh, my, he is sooo cute, Ang, seriously! He's just adorable!" or some similar refrain. =) And they're absolutely right, for even I never cease to be amazed by his charm & beauty... LOL! =)=)=) He's talking up a storm, as well, & I relish each word I hear him speak! What a joy children are! =)=)=)

Well, I believe I've adequately completed what I set out to do: Posted something! Yay! Mission accomplished! =)

See ya when I see ya,
Praying we all continue moving towards our good dreams & goals, and find joy in each moment we have with our children, no matter how much time, or how little, we are able to spend with them,
Loving Every Piece of Joy Available,