It's already torturously consuming... How does everyone do it?!?
Email, Blogging, & now Facebook? I hope y'all cut me some slack, & realize that I'll probably never be truly accomplished with any of them, now that I'm attempting them all!!!
K, now, I've wanted to get on & blog at least four times in the last two weeks, but honestly have not had time... And still, technically, don't/shouldn't considering the fact that it's 4:34am... =) <- That is a sheepish-yet-aiming-for-innocence grin. =))) So, here's a blip of updates that I wanted to expound upon, but cannot, so I'll sum up: *I got THE most fabulous hair-cut the other week!!! We should all give my friend Robin a round of applause for the amazing job she did on my hair! =) A lady had butchered it a few weeks before (I was quite upset by the whole thing) & Robin saved the day (& my pride) by spending hours snipping artistically away...
Until a masterpiece emerged! =)))
I have, officially, found the Stylist (I've been searching for for ages), & couldn't be more pleased! =)
*I've been gifted with a flight that has thrilled me beyond pieces... To spend some time with my youngest daughter. Isn't that magnificent? God loves me. =) She is being sealed, for all time & eternity, to her marvelous parents, & I get to be there for it! =))) Words cannot express &, though there are assuredly mixed emotions, I am incredibly grateful for the event... And that I will be a part of their experiencing eternity together.
*Additionally, I was invited to speak at an Adoption conference (which has actually already occurred) & that pleased me quite a bit, as well. =) It went well, though, again, mixed emotions were rampant, & I pray I'll receive the opportunity again & again. The more that is expressed regarding positive adoptive experiences, the better. (Especially to young teenage ladies! 9 months, some body changes, & some iron-will later & there's an entire life, family, & community gifted!!! Much easier to live with than an abortion...
I'll speak for any adoption agency that asks me to!!!
*Elizabeth & I made a communication break-through, last week, that has warmed my soul... =) I adore that brilliant child of mine, but she's truly been struggling with her anger lately, & (rightfully so, but still) it has been, um, difficult for us to communicate effectively. The other weekend we broke through some barriers & had the most marvelous conversations!!! I am super-excited about it!! Now I only pray that we'll continue doing so, for I worry about her... She's hurting so much, from all the changes & past trauma, & I long to see her release all those weights, you know? She actually smiled, laughed, giggled, & glowed that beautiful day... And it shocked me to realize how long it had been since I'd seen her so care-free. (Please pray for my beautiful sweetheart, whenever you think of her, K? She needs every pinch of love & help she can get... We need miracles of healing here, folks... Miracles of healing, that only faith & time will provide.)
*I learned to sew a bit!!! =))) And feel very accomplished, quite frankly! =) It's a messy li'l joke of a blanket, but she's a baby so she won't care, right?! (This is why, I discovered, when you're learning to sew you practice on a bunch of scrap stuff first, preferably in 7th grade, before you put sewing machine to sentimentally valuable cloth!!!!!!! Ah, well, as she grows, & gets to know me, it must gain value for her... As she comes to realize what a sacrifice it was for me to hand over such a crappy piece of handiwork simply because I promised I'd have it done by such & such a date!!!) Besides, it has super-cute ladybugs & butterflies adorning it that surely take the limelight from the stitches! =)
Alrighty! Phew! Well I think that that was pretty impressive summing up! Especially considering the extent to which I originally wanted to share details & help y'all laugh &/or cry over each experience! =))) I am quite pleased with my "succinct-ed-ness"... (LOL, yes, I admit... I am a tad sleep-deprived! =)
Love you all,
Miss most of you terribly (as I do not get to visit enough of you!),
Praying we all keep "hangin' in there" & enjoying as much as we can, as often as we can, while keeping as much faith as we can,