08 June, 2011

Dude. I ROCK!!

Words don't even come close to describing how freakin' cool I am!!
I mean it! LOL, truly!! =)
I am so high on life right now, it's definitely funny. ;)
And I love ME!! =)))
I don't know how I got so cool, but I'm lovin' this.
So, not only am I full of good character traits & whatever, but I JUST TIGHT-ROPED!
Who does that, I asks ya??
Cool people, that's who. ;)
Yay for being a cool people!! ;)

Okay, seriously seriously now...
I am so thrilled with my life, it amazes me.
You'd think I'd still be all sorts of bent out of shape over the hideous circumstances that've been thrown my way, over & over & over again...
But, nope, I'm not.
And get less "bent" each day. ;)
I know it's partly me & mostly God & partly good friends & partly whatever, but I DON'T CARE what the reasons are!! I like the results!!! =)
Not only is my health improving impressively, but my guy-life is also.
Not only do I have a bazillion friends who love me, but new people love me also.
Not only am I sure I'll be successful someday, but I'm successful now also.

Okay, that first line makes no sense...
But it makes me happy!! ;)
Each guy I "date" *that term is used very loosely, btw* just gets cooler & cooler... To the point that when they get where they don't wanna date me anymore *cuz I'm so "complicated"* I feel a bit sad AND THEN look forward in anticipation to see HOW FREAKIN' COOL the next dude'll be!!
How fun is THAT??
Let me tell you... IT'S FUN!!! =)))
Plus I've figured something super-vital out:
I am not complicated.
My life is, yes.
I'm simple & straight-forward & fabulously honest.
Anyone who doesn't think so, well, look in the mirror, folks.
I've thought that I was uncomplicated for ages, but it's been lately that I've been able to see just how clear I am... And I'm loving it more than words can express!! =)
*Granted, I believe I WAS much more complicated during my first marriage, so... That's a li'l unpleasant to realize...
But, oh well. I did my best.*
Each new guy is clearer & clearer & our communication rocks. =)
'Course, they've each ended up looking at the details of my life & thinking it's ME that's drama/complicated, so they've bailed...
But I know one o' these days SOME AMAZING MAN will SEE ME FOR WHO I AM & all is gonna rock the house, baby, oh, yeah!! ;)

Communication has been re-established between Mr. Father-of-My-Children & I...
I've spoken with my three beautiful children THREE TIMES in the last few weeks!!!
That's an F-ing MIRACLE, is what that is!! =)))
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =))))))))
So, talking with them again is so magnificent, I just can't even tell you.
It'd been so damn long.
And so damn difficult.
And so damn damn-damn damn-damn-damn.
That's right.
Whatever that would equate to, it was it.
And it thrills me to pieces, beyond words.
Which makes my whole life beautiful.
Even when I lost yet another home & job, recently.
They flow in & out of my life like water.
I don't quite get it.
I have confidence that WHEN A HOME & STEADY INCOME FINALLY STICK WITH ME, wow, it'll be so fantabulous...
Y'all won't barely even be able to grasp it all. =)
Cuz I'm cool people, remember?
Tight-rope walking, cool-guy magnetizing, beautiful-children mothering...
Rockin' Chick.
LOL, seriously. ;)