13 July, 2012


I just discovered a feature I didn't know existed...
*Which is not surprising, considering how infrequently I pop in to blog! ;)
The site keeps track of how many times it's been visited.
And I've had 982 people read my blog.
I thought I was alone here.
I'd convinced myself that there was no one reading anymore.
And, I must admit, the realization that nearly one thousand people have read my words is a li'l unsettling.  Especially since I'm sure most do not know me, cuz my friends & fam have forgotten about this whole thing.  I think.  I hope! ;)
I intended to get on & "share" how things are going with my lovely man...  But now that I know I'd ACTUALLY BE SHARING I'm a tad hesitant!  Silly, I know, but true.
I mean, I wonder what would happen if I allowed comments, at this point...  I'm sure it's safe now...  My fugitive husband is no longer an issue, as he's proven to be more concerned about refraining from being arrested than causing anyone any harm...  So that's good.  And, since that's the only reason I cut the comments off, I believe there's no reason to continue this isolation.  Right?
I don't know, I kind of liked the freedom I felt...  Thinking no one would ever pay much attention to my rambling.  I mean, I know I began this blog to connect & reassure, but it shifted along the way & now I've sort of "trained" everyone who loves me not to worry or think about me too much, so I've had quite a bit of anonymity...
And I've loved it!!
This new concept of others randomly reading my words...
*Though I've known that happens, I hadn't come face to face with proof!!
It's really altered my views.
And I don't feel like sharing much anymore.
*Though I am still typing, you notice that?  Fascinating.
So, bottom line:
I'm going to need to take some time to consider all this...
And, surely, I'll get back with you...
Hope all is well in your life,