13 October, 2009

Have Sooo Much To Share!

Have just joined Facebook... Aaaauuuggghhhh!
It's already torturously consuming... How does everyone do it?!?
Email, Blogging, & now Facebook? I hope y'all cut me some slack, & realize that I'll probably never be truly accomplished with any of them, now that I'm attempting them all!!!
K, now, I've wanted to get on & blog at least four times in the last two weeks, but honestly have not had time... And still, technically, don't/shouldn't considering the fact that it's 4:34am... =) <- That is a sheepish-yet-aiming-for-innocence grin. =))) So, here's a blip of updates that I wanted to expound upon, but cannot, so I'll sum up: *I got THE most fabulous hair-cut the other week!!! We should all give my friend Robin a round of applause for the amazing job she did on my hair! =) A lady had butchered it a few weeks before (I was quite upset by the whole thing) & Robin saved the day (& my pride) by spending hours snipping artistically away...
Until a masterpiece emerged! =)))
I have, officially, found the Stylist (I've been searching for for ages), & couldn't be more pleased! =)
*I've been gifted with a flight that has thrilled me beyond pieces... To spend some time with my youngest daughter. Isn't that magnificent? God loves me. =) She is being sealed, for all time & eternity, to her marvelous parents, & I get to be there for it! =))) Words cannot express &, though there are assuredly mixed emotions, I am incredibly grateful for the event... And that I will be a part of their experiencing eternity together.
*Additionally, I was invited to speak at an Adoption conference (which has actually already occurred) & that pleased me quite a bit, as well. =) It went well, though, again, mixed emotions were rampant, & I pray I'll receive the opportunity again & again. The more that is expressed regarding positive adoptive experiences, the better. (Especially to young teenage ladies! 9 months, some body changes, & some iron-will later & there's an entire life, family, & community gifted!!! Much easier to live with than an abortion... Yet there aren't enough voices out there expressing such simple truths, especially not from personal experience!)
I'll speak for any adoption agency that asks me to!!!
*Elizabeth & I made a communication break-through, last week, that has warmed my soul... =) I adore that brilliant child of mine, but she's truly been struggling with her anger lately, & (rightfully so, but still) it has been, um, difficult for us to communicate effectively. The other weekend we broke through some barriers & had the most marvelous conversations!!! I am super-excited about it!! Now I only pray that we'll continue doing so, for I worry about her... She's hurting so much, from all the changes & past trauma, & I long to see her release all those weights, you know? She actually smiled, laughed, giggled, & glowed that beautiful day... And it shocked me to realize how long it had been since I'd seen her so care-free. (Please pray for my beautiful sweetheart, whenever you think of her, K? She needs every pinch of love & help she can get... We need miracles of healing here, folks... Miracles of healing, that only faith & time will provide.)
*I learned to sew a bit!!! =))) And feel very accomplished, quite frankly! =) It's a messy li'l joke of a blanket, but she's a baby so she won't care, right?! (This is why, I discovered, when you're learning to sew you practice on a bunch of scrap stuff first, preferably in 7th grade, before you put sewing machine to sentimentally valuable cloth!!!!!!! Ah, well, as she grows, & gets to know me, it must gain value for her... As she comes to realize what a sacrifice it was for me to hand over such a crappy piece of handiwork simply because I promised I'd have it done by such & such a date!!!) Besides, it has super-cute ladybugs & butterflies adorning it that surely take the limelight from the stitches! =)
Alrighty! Phew! Well I think that that was pretty impressive summing up! Especially considering the extent to which I originally wanted to share details & help y'all laugh &/or cry over each experience! =))) I am quite pleased with my "succinct-ed-ness"... (LOL, yes, I admit... I am a tad sleep-deprived! =)
Love you all,
Miss most of you terribly (as I do not get to visit enough of you!),
Praying we all keep "hangin' in there" & enjoying as much as we can, as often as we can, while keeping as much faith as we can,