01 July, 2011

Queen of the Universe...

Okay, so, I suppose that's an exaggeration...
It IS my Birthday!! =)
And that's pretty damn powerful, don'tcha think? ;)

Anyway, I love life & I love that I made it through 31 years & I love that I have one white hair & I feel I earned it & I love that he text' me flowers all the time & I love the gift that I woke up with this morning & I love that I go dancing every week & I love that I'm loved & I love that this last year transformed my entire life & I love that I got to spend a day with my children at my sister's wedding & I love that I also got to see my other li'l sister & I love that I'm going to the Cache Valley Cruise-In for my Birthday & I love that I have a steady place to live & I love that I'm up to huge things in my life & I love that my kids know I love them no matter what anyone says or how I fail at things & I love that this is the longest run-on sentence that has ever made it outside of my journal!!
Basically, I love life.
More specifically, I love my life.
Even more accurate, I love the life I've chosen.
And I'll keep choosing it.
And it will become more & more fulfilling every year.
And I freakin' rock for living through all the garbage,
I could go on to share exactly how & why, but I really don't feel like it...
It's my Birthday & I've been inundated with calls & texts all morning & then I got on Facebook to change a couple things & spread the love & there were a ton of Happy Birthday wishes & it's been marvelous, don't get me wrong, but I need a li'l peace & quiet...
So I'm off to B&N to write in the book I'm working on & to read a li'l & then move my bed into my new space & spend time with a few friends & then go dancing to close out the night!!
What a fabulous gift of a day I have...
31 years old.
Rock on!! =)
I made it...