30 March, 2009

Embracing My Inner Warrior!

Yep, that's right...
I am a Warrior Woman.
I acknowledge, accept, & admit it.
I am now publicly embracing my inner warrior. =)

I never have been able to pull off the whole "wall-flower" thing (believe me, I've tried!) & I've been accused of being a "fighter" for years (to those of you that know me well, that sounds crazy, but to those of you that know me well, you know what I'm referring to), so I've finally come to an understanding of what it's all about.

Sure... Call me a "fighter". I'll be a fighter. I'll be a fighter for good; a fighter against evil; an immovable Warrior Woman who stands for truth NO MATTER WHAT.
Go ahead... Call me "angry". I am angry! Angry about all the injustice out there; angry that we so selfishly & foolishly follow Satan without even paying attention; angry about all the cruel & stupid things we do to each other.
Feel free... Call me "negative". You can view it/me however you wanna... Cuz I talk about the negative a lot. I see it out there, all around us, & I think we all oughtta be aware of it AND SHUN IT! But how can we do that if we IGNORE IT???
So, yeah... I'm all of the above. I admit it... But if all you see is that I'm an angry, negative, fighter, well, you're missing the point... By a looooooong shot. And you can continue feeling that way, that's fine. I've "talked 'til I'm blue in the face" & nothin' seems to help ME be seen (only to some of you, don't worry, I know most of you "see me" clear as can be =), & I've finally come to fully realize that it's your deal, not mine... I refuse to accept responsibility for your erroneous misconceptions of WHO I AM.

But I do now choose to embrace my inner Warrior Woman, & let her free! =)=)=) And I willingly accept responsibility for that! =) Because I define who I am & I am claiming this.
I am waging war against evil. I will fight to the end. I will recognize the negativity out there, in all sizes, shapes, & forms, & I will be angry with it. I will no longer stand still in shock when someone says something spiteful; I will no longer bestow the "benefit of the doubt"! For I do not see any benefit of doubting; I will no longer give ground when fallacy flaunts it's foul form.
I am waging war against evil... And I will combat it even in it's subtle forms... Whether people like it, or not.

I am sick and tired, folks. Sick and tired of the insidious &, oh, so smooooooth way that evil pervades our beautiful lives. I've despised it from the beginning, but I felt powerless to do much about it... That has changed. I have discovered some interesting things about myself... Things I've been saying for years, but never fully comprehended. (Still probably don't, for that matter, but I sure am gettin' closer, eh? =)
And one sentence sums it up: I am a Warrior Woman.
One that wants to see some serious changes in this hell on earth.
One that's going to do ALL in her power to help bring those changes about. (And that power, I'm discovering, ain't nothin' to laugh at.) One that will never, ever give up, or renege.

So... If I've made people, um, shall we say, uncomfortable, in the past... With my inexplicable faith & "stubbornness" in accepting the "not that bigga deal" malignancies here & there, I must truly apologize in advance...
It will probably get even more uncomfortable.
And... For those of you that love these qualities in me, & are thrilled that I'm boldly claiming my Warriorship, well, I must Thank You in advance...
You, with God, are the ones that lifted me to this point, & it's about to get reeeeally fabulous! =)=)=)

Seriously, I am sooo grateful for all my beautiful friends! You have supported me & loved me unconditionally for sooo many years! Where would I be without YOU?!? Not so strong, that's for sure! Not so filled with faith & dedication, that's for sure!
I'd probably still be a confused, depressed little girl, struggling with trusting my own thoughts & everybody elses's opinion about me... What an ugly place that was. Ugh.
Thank you, my dearest sisters (& you few marvelous men out there =), for all the faith in me you've expressed over the years!!! YOU have helped me become WHO I AM. Couldn't have done it without you, each one of you, & that's a fact. So, if you're one who happens to be thrilled that I'm "embracing my inner warrior", well, give yourself a pat on the back!!! Cuz I wouldn't & couldn't be IF NOT FOR THE ESSENTIAL ROLE you've PLAYED IN MY LIFE!
I love you, love you, love you! =)=)=)

So, we'll see where this takes us, shall we? Surely it won't be pleasant & smooth... But I don't care anymore... I will do whatever it takes to root out & eradicate as much evil as possible in this world. I'll not wish for "the simple life" anymore. I'll now embrace the challenges placed before me as opportunities to "fight for right", & if the battleground is rough & ugly... Who cares? And if I stand alone at times... Who cares? And if I lose those I love at times... (Okay, I can't really say "Who cares?" about that one, but I'll try & keep my focus on the fact that I'll know we'll be connected again eventually. So...) I say... Dang it! to losing loved ones.
(Not much left to say after that is there?)

There's so much more in my heart & soul on this particular topic, but I cannot type anymore... Too much goin' on elsewhere that needs to be addressed, you know?
Love you ALL with all my heart (no matter how you view me =),
Prayin' that we'll all see more clearly who we are individually, so that we can more fully stand up & support each other collectively,