20 April, 2009

Sorry... Just Sooo Exhausted!

Truly... I may have never felt so tired in my life...
(Well, more tired, anyway. =)=)=)
Seriously though, this little lady's got just a few more weeks 'til she pops out... And she's usin' all the steam I got! Phew!
I'm sleepin' every chance I get & that's not nearly often enough!!!

I'd like to say that I'll be better about blogging over the next few weeks, than I have been the last few, but it's highly unlikely... I do intend to be better with it a few weeks after she's born, though! =) And I will definitely throw a short post in immediately after returning from the hospital, K? =)
Something fabulously informative. =)=)=)

Other than falling asleep every 30 minutes, I'm doing rather well...
I've written another song. =) And have also accomplished many "healing goals" that I'd set for myself. =) All in all, I'm quite pleased with my progress as of late. =)

Love you all kabillions,
Praying that we all take the time to rest & heal, no matter how big or small the deal is,