11 April, 2009

Wow, It's Been Busy, Lately!

(I was sure that I'd be able to post at least once a week &, admittedly, was quite pleased with the twice-weekly posts I was averaging, but I guess it's just not always gonna be possible! =( And here I thought I was bein' downright reasonable!!! =)
Ahhh, well, just goes to show that we never know what the day/week/month/life will bring! =)
But it's aallll good!!! =)=)=) I've been doing sooo much lately. =) All sorts of things that I've been "meaning to get around to" for years! And I'm rather pleased with all that progress... Even though it kept me from the computer for, what now feels like, ages. =)=)=)
Sooo... you wanna know what one of the things I did is?
Do ya, do ya, do ya?
Cuz IIIIIII wanna tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Is it obvious? =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

I WROTE A SONG!!! =) A good one!!!
(Actually, I wrote 2 songs... just over this last week!!!)
Isn't that just marvelously exciting?
Who knew I could do that?! =)
(Okay, I admit, I've prayed for the ability for years, but still!)

I cannot adequately articulate how fabulous it feels to express myself through my own song... I feel verrrry blessed, especially since I'm sure that it's not an innate talent! God has given me a gift of expressing myself through a medium that I've long desired! What joy to finally receive it! I don't even care what happens to the songs (though I do feel the messages will empower other women, & would like to see them "out there"), all I know is this:

It's actually been quite a vulnerable experience for me.
I've been sorely tempted to keep them to myself. And, honestly, there've been times when I didn't even want to sing to the ones that I knew would be my biggest supporters! But I pushed past that horribly insecure feeling... Sang 'em, & just kept on singing! =)
(I've been singing to anyone & everyone who asks me, locally. AND calling a few, here & there, to sing over the phone! It's been an interesting adventure, to say the least. =)
And I've learned a few things... More deeply than ever before...

First, I will not let others' opinions dictate my modes of expression any longer: If I wanna talk... write... sing... dance... draw... whatever... I. WILL. DO. IT.
(Whether it's "music" to YOUR "ears" or not! =)

Second, when God gives me a gift, well, I'm not gonna "sit on it" anymore: I actually wrote my first full song back in 2005, but "didn't know what to do with it" so I just sang it to my kids & a husband or two... (oh, that's funny! Sorry, some may not enjoy that humor, but it's crackin' me up... "a husband or two" Hah! Who'd've ever thought my life'd be this way, eh?) AND THEN when I did something with the song (I recently dedicated it to a particular establishment), well, God gave me another one! =) THEN when I pushed past my uncertainty, the other day, & kept on singing (hence, "did something" with the 2nd song) He gave me another!!! No more "sitting on" God's gifts for this little girl! =)

Third, when something is a wonderful gift to ME, & I share it with others, God can turn it into a gift for them as well! So, I will not forget that my joy can be somebody else's joy & I NEED NOT SQUELCH IT & worry that they'll find me silly! =)=)=)
(If anyone does "find me silly", well, whatever... I reiterate what was stated above regarding others' opinions. And just want to say: Go look for your own joy somewhere else then, I guess.
Cuz I happen to know that just cuz you don't "find joy" in my joy does not make me "silly"!!! My joy happens to be priceless, no matter where it comes from, not silly, that's for sure...)

Fourth, we are all capable of much, much more than we have ever imagined:
Come on now, you know it's true...
(I don't even feel a need to expound on this one. =)=)=)

Pretty fun, eh?
(Songs & lessons & marvelousness for all! =)=)=)
Okay, so, actually, this week was sooooooooo full! (I nearly dropped dead!) I had appointments coming out my ears, grocery shopping that required TWO eight-month-pregnant-waddling-runs-back-to-grab-essential-yet-forgotten-items-all-before-the-lady-could-bag-the-rest-of-my-items-up! experiences (phew! you think it was exhausting reading it... try doing it! =), a myriad of musical performances requested by the masses (oh, I am hilarious, aren't I? =), AND all the while my body kept tryin' to tell me some such (crazy, very ill-timed, if you ask me) nonsense that it was severely exhausted, so I had to keep takin' these "little snoozes" every (practically non-existent) spare moment!!!
(Did I mention I nearly dropped dead?! =)=)=)
K, well, gotta run... =)
Things to do, you know... (Hahaha =)

Love each of you with every single (musical, exhausted, yet joyful) fiber of my being ANNND am fervently,
Praying that you're all endeavoring to accomplish some "dear to your heart" feat (along with all that other daily stuff),