17 September, 2009

Wow, Sleep Deprivation!

Yeah, okay, SORRY to any & all that read the ACCIDENTAL post that I had up for the last 48 hours!!! I sooooooooo did NOT mean for it to even be posted!!! Not sure how it happened, actually... I know I was super-sleep-deprived, but WOW! I got on my other blog & then, somehow, I realized I was typing in this one, so I got out & more thoughtfully put in my email address & password... And continued posting where I'd originally intended, thinking I'd get back to this blog & post something else entirely, you know? But, apparently, sleep deprivation altered my thoughts... Cuz I forgot entirely about the beginning of my late-night-blogging-oops & proceeded to go to sleep. (I think =)
Sooo, my dear li'l friend, Shantelle, called me a bit ago, asking if everything was okay with my kids...
Cuz my blog said they were missing!!!
Oopsies! =) <- (That is a verrrry sheepish, apologetic grin. Yep. =) Double Oopsies! =) <- (Yet another sheepish grin! =) K, so, really, everything's fine... No worries, at least not regarding my babies' safety!! =) And, since now I've needed to mention it, I should give you the other blogsite, eh? I just wanted it to be kinda personal, I guess, & it's new, so I wasn't going to mention it... Well, I'll share it, but just know that it's, like, a super-sacred-personal thing for me, so NO, I just realized that I don't wanna open it up to anyone & everyone yet... If you really want it,well, email me &, maybe. Cuz I'm not ready for it to be really read yet, you know? It's kinda like a blog just for Li'l A... And perfect strangers, at the moment. =) I know, that sounds weird, but I don't mind if people who don't know me, & probably never will, are reading it. I don't mind at all. But, like I said, I'm just not ready for it to be REALLY read yet... Sorry, &, um, thanks for understanding.?. =)
Anyway, all is well here, for the most part. =)=)=)
I've done some foolish things lately, but I've also done some cool stuff, so it all balances out, right? =)
Foolish: Walked 16 CITY BLOCKS (ugh) in super-cute-&-previously-comfy shoes... THEN turned around & walked those same 16 CITY BLOCKS back!!! Yeah, seemed like a great idea when I started out... =)=)=) Seven blisters later, well, not so much!
(I had to get to the library! I was going stark-raving-mad!!!)
Cool Stuff: Was inspired with idea of young adult novel AND, not only did I start it but, I've set a goal to write every day...
Even if it's only two paragraphs!!! I will finish this book!
And, who knows, maybe I'll get the others done alongside it... Worth hoping for, anyway. =)=)=)
(I'm seriously excited about this one, guys!!! My parents said that it "sucked" them in & they wish they could "keep reading, to find out what it's all about". Yay!!! And it's a young adult book, so I didn't think I'd get that kind of reaction from them, you know? Super-cool!!!)
K, so, I actually had other things I needed to accomplish, but I dropped eveything to fix this post ASAP, so I'm not going to share more at this moment, K? Relatively soon, though! =)=)=)
Love everybody sooo much!

10 September, 2009

More Harmony Possible.

Wow, can I just shout it from the mountain-tops?!?!?!
Women Are Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, folks, what women can do, when we're all more aware of our individual purposes, is simply amazing!!!
THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)=)=)=)=)
I just got back from a special women's gathering/retreat & I cannot stop talking about it! =) I could blog for days, just on my experiences/realizations during the trip, but I won't. =)
I'll just tell you this:
Women are capable of accomplishing MUCH, MUCH MORE than has been believed, thus far.
I spent the entire Labor Day weekend with 17 women & 3 li'l ones. In one home... With one kitchen... And (thankfully) three bathrooms. Shockingly enough, contrary to modern-day belief, we all got along fabulously!!! =)=)=)
There were some less than ideal moments of disorganization & stress, but we rallied quickly & accomplished all that we'd set out to accomplish... It was magnificent.
When we ALLOW OURSELVES to BE TRUE TO the wonderful, intuitive, caring, women THAT WE NATURALLY ARE... Wow!!!
The cooperation was awe-inspiring! The lack of condescension & judgment was astounding! The compassion & empathy that each possessed & distributed freely was out-of-this-world...
And I'm not okay with that!!! Cuz it's time for it to be IN this world. Don'tcha think?! =)=)
Watch out, world, here we come! =)=)=)
We've set goals, & we're gonna achieve them!
We're aimimg for a better world, folks. It's time to truly "love your neighbors as yourselves"!!! (Which means a whole lot more pure love going around, cuz the way most are "loving" themselves nowadays is simply destructive & debilitating, but I digress...)
It's time for MORE HARMONY, cuz it's definitely, DEFINITELY, definitely, definitely...