17 September, 2009

Wow, Sleep Deprivation!

Yeah, okay, SORRY to any & all that read the ACCIDENTAL post that I had up for the last 48 hours!!! I sooooooooo did NOT mean for it to even be posted!!! Not sure how it happened, actually... I know I was super-sleep-deprived, but WOW! I got on my other blog & then, somehow, I realized I was typing in this one, so I got out & more thoughtfully put in my email address & password... And continued posting where I'd originally intended, thinking I'd get back to this blog & post something else entirely, you know? But, apparently, sleep deprivation altered my thoughts... Cuz I forgot entirely about the beginning of my late-night-blogging-oops & proceeded to go to sleep. (I think =)
Sooo, my dear li'l friend, Shantelle, called me a bit ago, asking if everything was okay with my kids...
Cuz my blog said they were missing!!!
Oopsies! =) <- (That is a verrrry sheepish, apologetic grin. Yep. =) Double Oopsies! =) <- (Yet another sheepish grin! =) K, so, really, everything's fine... No worries, at least not regarding my babies' safety!! =) And, since now I've needed to mention it, I should give you the other blogsite, eh? I just wanted it to be kinda personal, I guess, & it's new, so I wasn't going to mention it... Well, I'll share it, but just know that it's, like, a super-sacred-personal thing for me, so NO, I just realized that I don't wanna open it up to anyone & everyone yet... If you really want it,well, email me &, maybe. Cuz I'm not ready for it to be really read yet, you know? It's kinda like a blog just for Li'l A... And perfect strangers, at the moment. =) I know, that sounds weird, but I don't mind if people who don't know me, & probably never will, are reading it. I don't mind at all. But, like I said, I'm just not ready for it to be REALLY read yet... Sorry, &, um, thanks for understanding.?. =)
Anyway, all is well here, for the most part. =)=)=)
I've done some foolish things lately, but I've also done some cool stuff, so it all balances out, right? =)
Foolish: Walked 16 CITY BLOCKS (ugh) in super-cute-&-previously-comfy shoes... THEN turned around & walked those same 16 CITY BLOCKS back!!! Yeah, seemed like a great idea when I started out... =)=)=) Seven blisters later, well, not so much!
(I had to get to the library! I was going stark-raving-mad!!!)
Cool Stuff: Was inspired with idea of young adult novel AND, not only did I start it but, I've set a goal to write every day...
Even if it's only two paragraphs!!! I will finish this book!
And, who knows, maybe I'll get the others done alongside it... Worth hoping for, anyway. =)=)=)
(I'm seriously excited about this one, guys!!! My parents said that it "sucked" them in & they wish they could "keep reading, to find out what it's all about". Yay!!! And it's a young adult book, so I didn't think I'd get that kind of reaction from them, you know? Super-cool!!!)
K, so, I actually had other things I needed to accomplish, but I dropped eveything to fix this post ASAP, so I'm not going to share more at this moment, K? Relatively soon, though! =)=)=)
Love everybody sooo much!