06 January, 2010

Ach! I Missed December!!!

Wow... I remember ATTempTing To Blog in December, having a STruggle wiTh The Technology, saying I'd do iT anoTher nighT... And now here I am!!! In January!
Had sooooooooooooooooooo much To share, Too!!! =)
I've been having The mosT Amazing experiences LaTeLy, & I Truly wish I could share The majoriTy of Them wiTh you...
BuT, honesTly, They're mosTly indescribable.
All I can say, To sum up is: GOD IS GOOD!!!
& Miracles STiLL Abound!!! WooHoo!!! =)))
The Healing ThaT's Taken place in my life is AsTounding.
I feel like a DifferenT person.
IT's Phenomonal! =)))
Now I jusT goTTa convince myself To conTinue consciously choosing This openness... Which is verrry challenging!
To say The leasT!
I feel vulnerable, being so open... So willing To accepT such marvelous joy in my life, from whaTever sources iT may come.
IT's scary someTimes.
Especially when iT STems from cerTain Sources...
Like... Ones in Male form...
Yeah. I know.
I wouldn'T've ever Thunk iT, believe you me!
BuT God has, in His InfiniTe Wisdom, deemed "Healing wiTh Men" of ImminenT Value for me. And I couldn'T've escaped if I Tried!
*Which I DID!*
(Why? I don'T know. Why NOW? I really WanT To Know!!!)
All I do know is This:
I've meT a few greaT men wiThin The lasT monTh...
Such GreaT Men ThaT I CANNOT DISPUTE Their Goodness.
AggravaTing. ;) BuT iT is helping me enormously.
To have New friends. ThaT are Guys.
ThaT I don'T feel any darkness lurking wiThin...
I like iT.
Even Though iT sTreTches my ComforT Zone IMMENSELY!!!
Regardless of The awkwardness of ThaT ParTicuLar modaliTy of healing, I am indescribably GraTeful for Heavenly FaTher's Wisdom in my life!!!
The Fabulous Plan of Happiness ThaT He's seT up for us grows more clear & AsTounding To me every day! =))) The marvelous ATonemenT of our Savior shows up in more deeply applicable ways every single week, if noT daily!! =)))
Even afTer ALL ThaT's occurred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is Love, ThaT's for darn sure! =)))
Loving you all, Neverendingly, UncondiTionally,
Praying ThaT ALL of YOU are Ever-ShifTing inTo GreaTer & GreaTer RealizaTions of our FaTher's love for Us, & The Savior's Healing Power,
P.S. I have a CAR again!!! Yay! Woohoo!!! =)))