05 April, 2011

Truth About Despair:

It's an illusionary device of the devil.
*Whether you believe in a devil or a dark force or negativity or nothing at all, I don't care, it's all B.S. anyway.*
Despair gets us RIGHT BEFORE the "good" stuff's about to happen.
Every time.
It's all made-up.
Every bit of it.
All MADE UP by that Satan-dude & we fall for it, don't we...
Some people.
Like me.
But, the GOOD NEWS is:
I've gotten out of it sooner & sooner, in my lovely life...
And THAT is PROGRESS, indeed!! =)
And we can ALL do that.
*Really. No lie. YOU too have the power to destroy the dastardly devil & his diabolically darkened despair!!*
**Okay, that was so F-ing hilarious!! I couldn't resist, then it just got better, & I should so write comic books!! ;)**
LOL, ANYway...
I woke with a sadness this morning...
Missing a loved one *or twenty*...
And that sadness just grew & morphed & darkened & yech!
Only a couple hours had passed & I was feeling utterly pointless & like a waste of good earth material.
*No joke!! It was AWFUL!!*
That, my dear friends-that-I-know-never-read-this-anymore-thank-heavens-cuz-I-stopped-writing-it-for-your-benefit-ages-ago-&-now-if-you-get-anything-out-of-this-blog-I-would-consider-it-a-miracle-but-I-believe-in-miracles-&-pray-for-them-regularly-so-I-hope-you-are-still-getting-something-from-my-ramblings-cuz-I-love-you-very-much, is how despair works its dark magic.
"Oh, you're sad? Missing a loved one, eh? Well... You KNOW that when you don't have your loved ones around you, especially for extended periods of time, it MUST mean that you're UNworthy to have those loved ones in your life. You know this, right? I mean, I HATE to break it to you, if you didn't already know it, but everyone else knows it & it seems only fair that YOU ought to have this information as well. Oh, does that make you even MORE sad?? I'm soooo sorry, really I am, but this IS life, & you ARE alone, & everyone else you know has people around, do they not?? Cuz they're better than you are. With relationships, at least... Well... Now that we're having this conversation, I may as well tell you: They're better at EVERYthing than you are. I HATE to say it, you know I wouldn't if it weren't true, but... Really. See how they manage to not only keep the people they love around them, but they also stay in their homes & keep their jobs & maintain their vehicles & get their nails done?? That's all because they handle life better than you & are more worthy to keep the blessings they receive &..."
You get the idea?
Insidious, is despair not??
It may use a different tact on different people, but the message is generally the same.
And it gets us, alright.
Right where we're most tender.
But, here's the thing:
It's illusionary.
It's a device of the devil.
*Whoever that may be, whatever you believe, I don't care. He/it's REAL.*
AND it's up to US whether we listen or not.
I listened, to a point, for a couple hours this morning...
And then I said, "Yo. Idiot. Your time's up. Let the door hitcha on yo' way out!"
I feel much better now. =)