23 August, 2010


Oh, I'm Testy Today.
The lack of even CONSIDERING possibilities is verrry annoying to me, right now.
What is so Challenging about THINKING, eh??
About looking through a DIFFERENT viewpoint???
About CONSIDERING something NEW?!
Stay in your li'l box.
Paint your walls pretty colors.
Remain attached to it all.
I'll be annoyed, briefly, every once in a while...
And THEN...
I'll be SUPER-GRATEFUL that your narrow-mindedness REMINDS ME how fulfilling my life is cuz I don't lock myself into preconceived notions & whatnot!!! =)))
**That sounds mean & judgmental of me, doesn't it... Well, it's not intended to be, I promise. PLUS, the person I'm currently vexed with is a perfect stranger, & will probably never see me again, nor read this blog, nor even know it was "inspired" by them, either! =) Think I'm okay to vent?? ;) Whether you do, or not, I'll continue! ;)**
Okay, so...
Seriously, Folks...
Can you NOT even grasp that there are POSSIBILITIES OUTSIDE your realm of experience... That would be GOOD??!??
Really, really, really GOOD.
For ALL involved?!
Is it THAT freakin' DIFFICULT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!
I am so annoyed with you right now.
Cuz your limited possibility range is REALLY crampin' my LIFE, thank you very much. And I do so love my life & want to expand MY own possibilities AND include you in on the fun...
BUT YOU WON'T LET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cuz you cannot comprehend that DIFFERENT is NOT "bad".
How many times do we need to go through this, People??
Haven't we learned?
Collectively, through all the ages, & time, DIFFERENT IS NOT BAD!
I'm ready to scream & jump down someone's throat, pulling all the entrails out, as I leap upwards & onwards TOWARDS MY OWN FABULOUSLY DIFFERENT DESTINY!!!
**Gross, I know, but tempting at times, do you not think?! ;)
K, maybe YOU don't... But I really, really, really do.
Probably more often than you'd like to know. ;)**
I won't.
Don't worry.
All the violence within is contained.
I really DO understand where y'all are comin' from...
Been there, done that, was blind & stubborn enough for all of us. ;)
So, I won't hurt anyone, & I won't even be bothered by all this once I've completed this blog. =)))
I'll move on to the next situation... Knowing all is just as it needs to be... Feeling grateful for the ones that remind me why I've chosen all I've chosen... Looking forward to exploring the dynamics with a new person... Pleased I found out about said person's limited scope of thought & view SOONER rather than later...
'S'all Good. ;)
No worries...
Just a li'l Testy-ness. ;)
*****AND a dollop of gratitude for all y'all that SEE MORE than what's right in front of you, or has come before... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! **I love everyone, even those that drive me up the wall at times... Don't forget that, K? =) Sorry if I offended anyone... *Though not sorry enough to not post this. ;)* I really DO LOVE you, & find you fit perfectly within the chaotic tapestry that is this life, so FEEL that love, K? Even if my venting strums dis"chord" within you...** I SERIOUSLY LOOOOOOVE all you who keep supporting me!!! You amaze & inspire me!!! You sustain & rejuvenate me!!! I love how clear & strong you help me be! I'd not love myself so dearly, & all people everywhere, if YOU had not loved me so consistently ALL THESE YEARS. So... THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU...*****
Heavens, I love blogging!!
I can release all this junk, & not carry it 'round with me!!
Such a gift!
And it's all up to you how you "take" it...
If you know me, enough, there's no reason to fuss...
So, if you feel like fussing, while reading this...
Look into yourself & ask, "Why do these words bother me so much?? What does it mean for me? Is there any part of me that resonates with what she's saying? And needs to open up a li'l more... Or be less judgmental of those that are closed? Recognizing that we ALL have our own perfect place in this life??? Hmmm..."
Or something along those lines. ;)
Love you ALL so much!!!
Praying we ALL realize where we're stopping ourselves & others,
AND increasingly challenge our own reasons for the choices we make,