08 August, 2010

Silence is Golden... Or Not.

There are times when Silence is Golden.
I've even asked people to just. shut. up. lately... No kidding. =)
So I could FEEL whatever was going on, at the moment, as opposed to listen to someone attempt to describe it.
(When eating, is a particularly good time to experience the golden bliss of silence. Especially if one is tasting a new or exotic food. Mm-mmm-M!)

But there are also times when Silence is Torture.
Like, when you THINK you know what's going on, cuz this & that & the other was said, BUUUT you're not really SURE you know, cuz the other & that & this were ALSO said...
It's Torture when Silence Abounds under such circumstances.
Does one fall into Hope?
Or Not??
Do you trust in this positive sentence they voiced?
Or focus on that negative comment previously uttered??
And WHICH actions speak louder than words, anyway???!!

I, personally, am a very concrete person.
When it comes to words, & silence that follows, without action.
If you SAY two conflicting things, & then ACT in one manner...
I get verrrry confused.
Am I to rely on your WORD?
Which I used to, & would LOVE to be able to...
Am I to recognize that your words & ACTIONS are not congruent??
*Well, I always recognize THAT! Can't help but...*
The point is:
WHAT DO I DDDOOOOO when I see that your actions & words are not congruent??? Point it out? Walk away? Have hope you'll recognize it also, without my pointing it out?? Wait for a decade to realize you won't see it, whether I point it out or not?
*Nah, that last one is just past frustration comin' out... Nothin' to do with the current deal that's on my mind. CUZ I KNOW I'll never do THAT again! =)*

I don't have the answer to this one...
I believe it's all individual.
A case by case basis.
And I despise feeling my way through it.
Cuz I like answers. Don't you?? ;)

It's like...
When Silence Abounds,
And Actions & Words have been Incongruent,
WHEN does one release the Hope?

That's my question.

And here's another...
WHY do people NOT just come out & SAY IT?????????????????
It's like, REALLY?
I'm supposed to just figure it out on my own?
Silence means "XYZ" to you...
Cuz Silence has always meant "BQA" to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here's the thing:
I, personally, have an abundance of Hope... And it can sustain me
In order to Stop Wasting My Hope on Futile Things...
Buck up & Open your Mouth, damn it!
Call me if the apartment won't be ready on time!
Call me if you changed your mind & don't wanna go on a ride!
Call me if you're not willing to rent, cuz you want the house to sell!
Call me if you've decided you're not that into me!
Call me if you have a question about an action I'm taking!
Call me if you said you would!!!
Whether you're a stranger, friend, or whatever...
Open up your mouth & Be Brave...
Acknowledge what's REALLY going on for you...
And Stop Leaving Me Alone in this Torturous Silence.